
Your dog will love his vacation at Canine Comfort Corner. And you can relax knowing that your dog is well cared for.

Dogs Love Canine Comfort Corner Daycare!


  • They get lots playing time in clean and spacious exercise yards while wrestling with other dogs, chasing tennis balls or frisbees.
  • They can relax and do some cuddling with humans.
  • They enjoy their favorite toys and blankets from home.
  • They eat their favorite foods, same as at home, so they feel more at home and no upset tummies.
  • They get plenty of healthy treats.
  • They get personal kennels for relaxing.

Owners Love Canine Comfort Corner Daycare!


  • Trained professionals keep everything operating efficiently.
  • The safety, well being, and happiness of your dog is our goal
  • Young or shy dogs improve their social skills with doggy and human friends.
  • We maintain a clean, natural, and healthy environment for dogs and humans (we do not use harsh chemicals for cleaning).
  • Your dog enjoys plenty of exercise and relaxation during his stay.
  • We cater to your dog's needs and preferences -- whether that means chasing balls all day or wrestling with other doggy friends.


Dogs Love Canine Comfort Corner!
Whether it's just for the day or while you sail the world, your dog will love his vacation at Canine Comfort Corner. And you can relax knowing that your dog is well cared for.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our daycare dogs spend the day in rotating between our facility and our playfields playing and resting so they go home happy!

  • $43 per day for the 1st dog
  • $39 per day for the 2nd dog
  • Frequent Visit Card: pay for 5 full days gets 1 full day free

Holiday Surcharge: $20 per visit

Holiday surcharges for Daycare will be applied for stays that include Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day,  and Labor Day.


Proof of vaccinations: bring proof of up-to-date DHLPP, Rabies, and Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccinations.

A note about Kennel Cough: Bordetella, or kennel cough, is a very common and contagious illness that is difficult to prevent or contain. It transmits both by air (coughing, sneezing) and through contact with saliva (toys, water bowls, floor surfaces). Vaccines offer some prevention but are not 100% effective. With an incubation period of 6-10 days, a dog may already be a carrier of bordetella when he arrives although he is not yet symptomatic. When an outbreak occurs we make every possible effort to minimize your dog's exposure, but isolation and disinfection at this point are only somewhat helpful. We also call or otherwise warn owners prior to drop-off; however, we cannot be held responsible for the timing of an outbreak or for making alternate arrangements, and we are in no way obligated to refund payment for your dog's stay with us or for your vet bill.

Toys, etc: Due to COVID-19 please DO NOT bring blankets, toys, bowls, crates, anything that smells like you, and special treats.

We have two windows of time for all check-in and check-out activities.

Weekdays: 7:30 to 9:30 AM and 4 to 6:30 PM

Weekends: 9 to 10 AM and 4 to 5 PM

We accept cash, check, visa, and mastercard

Baths appointments are scheduled between 9:00am - 3:00pm every day except holidays.

Spa Day (play then bath): $93/day

Baths: $45 - $90

Anal Glands: $27

Toenail Trim: $17

Brushing: $33 - $44

  • We require 24-hour notice cancellation or you will be billed for 1 day's visit
  • Prepaid frequent visitor cards are non-refundable

We are available by phone or email Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 6:30pm; Saturday - Sunday: 9am - 5pm.

2023 Closures: We will be closed August 20-28th and October 29 - November 13th

We are closed on all major holidays (New Year's Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day). This means we are here to take care of the dogs that have already been checked-in, but we do not schedule appointments to check-in new dogs or check-out dogs.

Check out our Sniffspots!

Rent a private dog park for you and your pet!

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